Between government announcements, collective awareness and changes to the law, 2023 was an extremely busy year for corporate sport.
And all to our great delight!
As an app for well-being and sport whose aim is to get as many French people as possible to move more through their employers, we're delighted to report that 2023 was a record-breaking year for our 520,000 users 🔥
How many kilometres were travelled? Have green mobility efforts saved more CO2 than in 2022? Which companies are on the podium of the most committed?
Discover at the bottom of this article our 2023 Retrosportive: the United Heroes annual review.
Retrospective: what's new for corporate sport in 2023?
The French government's plan to accelerate corporate sport ⚖️
On 12 June 2023 (on the eve of the European Corporate Sport Games in Bordeaux), the French Minister for Sport and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Amélie OUDÉA-CASTÉRA, brought together the key players in the French sporting ecosystem to define a plan to accelerate the practice of sport in the workplace.
There are three main strands to this plan:
- Encouraging and supporting employers
- Improving health and QWL through sport
- Organising key events in the run-up to the summer of 2024.
The #GoFor30 corporate challenge 🏢
Launched in September 2022 by Paris 2024 to encourage companies to give greater prominence to sport, it was in 2023 that we saw a good number of initiatives flourish in establishments.
Physical activity challenges, connected races, awareness-raising workshops... French companies have redoubled their creativity to involve their employees in physical activity.
Physical activity now compulsory in DPEFs 🗒
The DPEF stands for Déclaration de Performance Extra-Financière des entreprises. It concerns (for the time being!) specific companies (which have exceeded a certain threshold in terms of turnover, payroll, etc.).
In this annual report, companies take stock of the social, environmental and societal implications of their activities, as well as their methods of governance.
However, since March 2022, French law no. 2022-296 has supplemented these provisions, stipulating that the report must now include information on the measures taken by companies to encourage the practice of physical activity and sport.
In 2023, a large number of companies therefore took stock of their actions in favour of "moving more" and to innovate in terms of sport at work.
Physical activity and sport chosen as the "Great National Cause" of 2024 ✊
In November 2023, the President of the Republic decreed the promotion of physical activity and sport as the Great National Cause 2024. Through this strategic choice, the government is pursuing two key objectives:
- To eradicate sedentary lifestyles, the real scourge of our country
- To change the place of sport in our society.
To achieve these aims, the government has announced two massive communication campaigns aimed at the general public.
United Heroes is one of the tools enabling companies to get their teams involved in physical activity and well-being, and to promote a less sedentary world. Naturally, this year our users got moving more than ever 🔥
Here's what United Heroes users achieved in 2023
What progress 🔥 With the biggest sporting event in history just around the corner, the figures show us that the French are indeed moving more - not least thanks to their companies.
The kiss cool effect? A drastic increase in CO2 avoided: an estimate made by our teams based on the green mobility activities recorded by our users.
The year 2024 will be unique for sport and the fight against sedentary lifestyles. But we mustn't let the dust settle after the summer of 2024: it's important for our culture to change in the long term, and for physical activity and relaxation to find their place in different corporate cultures (because of the many benefits they bring).
To engage your teams today - and tomorrow too - opting for a well-being and sport app could be a solution worth exploring!

B2B Content Marketer @ Sport Heroes