Companies that implement a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policy generate up to 30% more revenue per employee and enjoy a higher profitability than their competitors (according to Deloitte). Much more than just a trend, this is a winning strategy to assert your set of values, bolster your company's performance and increase the attractiveness of your employer brand. Discover how to promote professional diversity and inclusion!
What is diversity in the workplace?
Diversity in the workplace refers to the variety of backgrounds present within a company: young people, seniors, disabled workers, etc. The variety of personal profiles learn to work and evolve together, transforming the difference of each employee into a strength.
Employee expectations
57% of employees between the ages of 18 and 34 believe their company should increase diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Equal opportunity in the workplace remains an important issue for 89% of French employees (source). As is gender equality, which is an issue where there is still room for improvement, particularly in terms of access to management positions.
How to promote diversity at your company?
By treating employees fairly
A policy of inclusion and diversity is based on the principle of equality. Each talent must be treated equally, ruling out any type of discrimination, whether in terms of cultural differences or gender parity between men and women.
By encouraging collaboration
To encourage inclusion, focus on innovation and creativity. If everyone is in a space where they are free to express themselves, the company will benefit in terms of performance and employee engagement.
Create collaborative conflict resolution processes
In order to effectively manage culturally diverse backgrounds from different generations, it is necessary to establish a sustainable mediation. It is not so much about avoiding conflicts 100%, as it is about developing a problem-solving plan in anticipation of crises.
Promote diversity at all levels
To implement an inclusion policy at your company, you must also take into account your external environment (suppliers, providers or shareholders). Be sure to seek and represent diversity with respect to external players as well.
Educate and train employees on diversity
Finally, do not hesitate to recruit (or appoint) a person in charge of diversity. This person's role will be to combat discrimination, as well as deepen awareness among staff members regarding diversity issues.
📣 Diversity and inclusion are also a matter of internal comms! To educate your employees, you can get inspiration from our 2022 calendar and organize events ⬇️
What is corporate inclusion?
Inclusion represents all actions taken by a company to prevent discrimination based on disability, age, origin or social situation, culture, gender, sexual orientation or physical appearance.
Employees' expectations
80% of Millennials say so: a company's diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) approach is an important factor when choosing a new job (source). Employees' expectations in terms of quality of life at work (QWL) and inclusion are increasingly high. Everyone must be able to find their place in the collective entity that is the company.
How can we improve inclusion at work?
Leveraging employee resources
Difference is a source of wealth: enhance the rare skills of your employees to turn them into assets. For example, a deaf or hard-of-hearing person is perfect for exchanging with other deaf and hard-of-hearing customers by videoconference (in sign language or by chat).
Rely on specialized structures
Integration structures, training centers or specialized companies can facilitate the recruitment of different profiles. For example, a partnership with a training structure for young people with mental disabilities and the creation of a network of volunteer tutors to welcome them.
Train managers
It is crucial to train each level of management on diversity and inclusion. Do not hesitate to create discussion groups to exchange with managers and answer their questions. An inclusion policy requires constant innovation and listening to team leaders.
Promote inclusive management
Management itself must be inclusive. Thus, positions of responsibility must take the time to understand how each employee functions in order to adapt the company's operations to the individual, and not the other way around. Their differences should not be an obstacle to integration.
A DEI policy must accept and exploit the particularities of each person, to create synergy among employees. This is no longer an option and young talent is demanding to work for inclusive companies. Do you want to offer a wellness solution to your employees to promote mental and physical health? Discover our free United Heroes application!

Rédactrice web, ex Content manager @ Sport Heroes